Yes, a separate meter would open up doors for cheating that both we and WGT prefers shut. As many have said, meter is running independently from the network servers. Not only that, and believe me, I have tested it, as soon as you touch your meter all connections to the Internet are halted. Everything. If you have started to move your meter and a chat message, or an invite, or anything, is sent to you, it will not be recieved by your computer until you have finished, or cancelled, your shot. It simply does not listen while meter is in motion. And it does not talk either.
When you you "click away" your shot, the application takes the data, the precision, spin and strength of your shot and send it to a server in the "cloud". It is processed and the result is played up on your computer.
No, what destroys the meter is your computer. First of all, your computer needs to be a PC. I have reasonably new MacBook Pro with 8Gb RAM and it is useless for WGT. Meter is as predictable as a blonde in a shoe store. Instead I play on a old Dell PC Laptop that has hardly enough memory to remember my last curses on Kiawah 17. Meter is smooth. Linux, on a strong computer, works ok with latest Flash versions.
Of course, to get my PC to do the WGT for me, I had to make sure it does nothing else. Make sure no other process, like indexing my archive of Happy & Naked, jumps up and steal CPU power from my belowed meter. A more modern PC would not have that problem, but mine have.
Don't get me wrong, for anything else I use Mac, so I am no PC nerd. Just a general nerd. And I wanted top use my Mac, therefore I researched it thoroughly, hoping to find something that I could take to WGT and say "Look, this is WRONG!". There was not. Well, apart from them building this in Flash.
The idea is good, runs on every platform and so on, but since it in practice does NOT work on every platform, that plus is not much of a plus no more. Instead it has become their anchor. The chain that they have tied to their ankles and prevents them from moving forward.
Why? Because Flash is operating on the "surface" of all the little things that ticks inside a computing machine. Your computer see Flash as "not important". You can tell your machine that Flash is "important for me" and it will, when it wants to, give it some consideration. But you can not force it to take Flash, and an application running on Flash, as serious as a "real" program.
Another thing one must remember is that Your computer is running Flash and Flash is running the applications. So make sure to close all browser windows and tabs that have small Flash ads in them. They do not stop working when you touch your meter, WGT has no power over them.
Flash is dying, nobody wants it no more. Apple has removed support for it on many of it's products.
I am sure WGT work hard on a "real" application. The Beta stamp is still there, after all these years, and it will never be taken away for the Flash version.
I am curious to know if anyone have managed to get a good meter on a Mac.