I don't want to sound like I am defending WGT as I have had some issues with them also but when I contacted them they handled everything as well as I would hope for. I am using an old e-machines computer with onboard video and sound with 2 gb ram and an old amd processor, 1.6ghz on windows 7, clean version OEM no garbage put in there by dell, hp or the rest of the junk manufacturers, struggled with the meter for about a year until I read a forum about Maxthon3, downloaded it and have never looked back, I only use that browser for this game, Maxthon4 or the cloud as they call it is garbage in my opinion, could not get all the parts of the game to work with it. One thing that helped me a lot was taking Chrome clear off of my machine, cleaned every aspect out of it that I could. I blamed WGT for a lot of things but over time I found this was not their problem but mine. If you do a lot of downloading or adding programs pay careful attention to your startup files, most of them will try to load when you start the computer and run in the background taking vital resources away from the processor and ram. Hope this helps, it is not an easy game to get to run right but when it does it is fantastic.