having to buy eq to get better , why not have it set up to when you acive a new tier you get a piece of eq at your choice ,and also have more recogition for people like me who dont play a ton of rounds but yet somehow are able to get better ,aslo , i dont like people on here ,quitting on me when the have bad round ive had tons of them but i try . ill give you and example deemajor , he is alower ranking member , he would hound me to play him and when i went to check who he was he had his status hidden ,there is no reason to hide anything and also i want to say a shoutout for edgash ,he actually called me to tell me about the putt meter which was driving me crazy , how many ohter players would do this ,none , they are mostly snobs ,but , i like this game so ill keep plaing even if no one else wants to be a golf partner with me.