whooshbollox: I thought this was a fun game, but it's just one big con to get folk to spend money on pro clubs. What's the point?
Do you play golf in real life?
I do, and I have to pay a fee to play a round. Since I own my own clubs (which cost me tons), I end up paying for a sleeve of balls. Then theres the cart fee, the beer, yada,yada,yada....
I can easily end up spending $60+ just for 1 round of golf.
Here, I don't have to spend a dime!
However, I knew that if I took only 1 of my golf day expenditures and put it instead towards upgrading myself here, I'd have even more enjoyment than I already do.
Know what?
I was right!
The enjoyment I get here is priceless.
So if you want to bash me for spending money here for this game, more power to ya. It doesn't bother me one bit. I'll spend my money any way I want, and I happen to enjoy getting new clubs to try out.