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Ban quitter and cheater posts!!!!

Mon, May 21 2012 10:46 AM (76 replies)
  • GolfNomad
    301 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 3:50 PM

    Hey "burmil" it's usualyl customary to say nice playing with ya instead of "X"..

  • macsooner
    1 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 4:13 PM

    aquaducts . . . . 

  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 5:14 PM

    Has anyone ever considered the the most plausible explanation might be that that the real cheaters are the owners of this site. In order to survive this site needs heroes or "Super Legends". Without them there is no role model or idol and the game would quickly lose flavor. Is is possible that WGT looks for people who possess gaming skills and most likely golfing skills and gives them a little help unbeknownst to them. Just maybe, and I mean just maybe their equipment might be slightly more enhanced, such as having all the balls filled in on items such as precision. forgiveness etc. This is one possibility, is it not? Plus, it is humanly impossible to have the same reflex shot after shot. Only a machine has that capability. Therefore, I am inclined to believe the the game is tainted.

    That's some conspiracy theory dude . . . not plausible or possible . .


  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 5:19 PM

    when it's convenient, the son of a bitches have the shot and meter destined for the water.

     . . . or that . .

    *** YOU WGT

     . . . why you still here? . .

  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 8:20 PM


    If they can do it without using a cheat program then I will be man enough to admit and congratulate them

    That is the challenge

    I have played 6 Legends who have averages of less than 57 and have beaten all bar 1 in matchplay. Whether it was pressure or the fact that someone else was watching...the supercharged games didn't surface


    I am trying to figure out why those players decided not to use their cheat programs while they were playing against you...?   any ideas...?

    it makes no sense......


  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 9:32 PM

    The OP creates a thread to cut down on threads & it becomes the never-ending thread.

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 10:07 PM

    We know that most of the problems with the game are caused by poor computer health/maintenance/performance.  We also know that visiting too many porn websites contributes to poor computer health/maintenance/performance.


    Ill just deal with the sticky meter mate

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 10:12 PM



    We also know that visiting too many porn websites

    Any good tips?



    UHM,,,,, if you are using chrome.....then click the wrench in the upper right corner of the screen, then click "new incognito window"    will not save any history of where you go/or have been.  


    Just sayin'   ;-)


    dont forget the sunday reds!


  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 10:24 PM



    Level 76 amateur's,  really should just stay in hiding.

    Enjoying them level 63 irons from the baby tees are ya?

    Are you mad Bro? LOL  All some of us play is Skins, Blitz, and AltShot! So were all trying to figure...are you sniveling or jealous? LOL

    Ill speak for him, I will never play a sand bagging level 76 amateur, find some old lady to rob


  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 2:01 AM


    The OP creates a thread to cut down on threads & it becomes the never-ending thread.


    Very true Bubba . . . what was he thinking lol

    In reality WGT aren't going to ban these type of posts (although they could delete them and leave a message to say to contact them direct) but I suppose it's better to have them all on 1 thread then spread throughout the forums on a daily basis . .