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Ban quitter and cheater posts!!!!

Mon, May 21 2012 10:46 AM (76 replies)
  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Fri, May 18 2012 11:20 PM


    Has anyone ever considered the the most plausible explanation might be that that the real cheaters are the owners of this site. In order to survive this site needs heroes or "Super Legends". Without them there is no role model or idol and the game would quickly lose flavor. Is is possible that WGT looks for people who possess gaming skills and most likely golfing skills and gives them a little help unbeknownst to them. Just maybe, and I mean just maybe their equipment might be slightly more enhanced, such as having all the balls filled in on items such as precision. forgiveness etc. This is one possibility, is it not? Plus, it is humanly impossible to have the same reflex shot after shot. Only a machine has that capability. Therefore, I am inclined to believe the the game is tainted. First of all you must log on with your ID and the game recognizes who is playing. To even the field one should enter their Id upon completion of the game to get credit. By doing this all players have an equal chance of winning. After all, it isn't rocket science that we're talking about. So, in conclusion all you staunch Wgt sheep may now start with the stoning.

    Man o Man we need a better forum to force people to use punctuation or at least put a space or 2 somewhere LMFAO Please WGT Me and my eyes are begging. Youe see that button that says enter? Yeah that one!

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 12:32 AM


    Freedom of speech is not a joke - it's the freedom to name anything which is important to the writer - your freedom consists in reading or ignoring it.

    Just thought I should mention that freedom of speech does not mean that you are allowed to say anything in public. There is other laws that is in place to prevent people to, for instance, spread rumors that can be considered harmful about other people or organizations. Until anyone is, by court, proven guilty, you can not publicly accuse someone for wrongdoings. There is exceptions in some areas about public persons, but none of those exceptions would apply here.

    So, in short, it is ok to discuss cheating, but not to discuss who is cheating. Not in open forums.

    In reality though, Internet is Internet and laws are broken millions of times per day, but nothing would prevent WGT to establish that they do not accept those kind of discussions and moderate the forum accordingly.


  • StarBoyz
    90 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 3:44 AM




    Level 76 amateur's,  really should just stay in hiding.

    Enjoying them level 63 irons from the baby tees are ya?

    Are you mad Bro? LOL  All some of us play is Skins, Blitz, and AltShot! So were all trying to figure...are you sniveling or jealous? LOL

    Neither, guess I just grew a set and wanted to play on even ground, rather that have drink a gallon of Estrogen a day.

    Curious, why the big move to Am? Why not just stay at hack?

    No need to stay mad Bro...not good for you old dude's blood pressure! LOL  We play to have fun and mad or not, your always welcome to join us! LOL


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 12:27 PM

     Check my equipment. How could I be sandbagging with starter equipment. Check my stats - nothing impressive! Check my match play - 0! If I so choose to use a ranked game for practicing various shots, then so be it. I owe you no explanation! If you truly believe that I have more equipment than what is shown write WGT azzhol

    Better question would be how you can post 30's in the unlimited weekly, then 3 max stoke games in the same tourney.

    I'm sure it has nothing to do with leveling up and keeping a high average.

    And I don't care to waste time contacting WGT, rather just post my thought here for many to see.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 12:30 PM

    No need to stay mad Bro...not good for you old dude's blood pressure! LOL  We play to have fun and mad or not, your always welcome to join us! LOL

    I'm not mad, I am old tho.

    You don't think you carry an advantage over regular AM's or even higher lever players during AS, MP or Skins?

    If ya feel good about it, continue on.

    Time for my meds.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 1:14 PM

    FROM WHAT i CAN TELL IT IS NOT THE WRITING IT IS YOUR INABILITY TO SEE.  Hope you could read that.  My Nickle.



    Has anyone ever considered the the most plausible explanation might be that that the real cheaters are the owners of this site. In order to survive this site needs heroes or "Super Legends". Without them there is no role model or idol and the game would quickly lose flavor. Is is possible that WGT looks for people who possess gaming skills and most likely golfing skills and gives them a little help unbeknownst to them. Just maybe, and I mean just maybe their equipment might be slightly more enhanced, such as having all the balls filled in on items such as precision. forgiveness etc. This is one possibility, is it not? Plus, it is humanly impossible to have the same reflex shot after shot. Only a machine has that capability. Therefore, I am inclined to believe the the game is tainted. First of all you must log on with your ID and the game recognizes who is playing. To even the field one should enter their Id upon completion of the game to get credit. By doing this all players have an equal chance of winning. After all, it isn't rocket science that we're talking about. So, in conclusion all you staunch Wgt sheep may now start with the stoning.

    Man o Man we need a better forum to force people to use punctuation or at least put a space or 2 somewhere LMFAO Please WGT Me and my eyes are begging. Youe see that button that says enter? Yeah that one!

  • Boonaroonihoo
    3 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 1:28 PM

    No effen doubt about it..

    The effers claim they have nothing to do with meter problems but that's a crock

    of horse ***.

    when it's convenient, the son of a bitches have the shot and meter destined for the water.

    Usually when you buy expensive balls.

    They know who the suckers are that buy them and prey upon their/our ignorance and desire to try and reach the net level..

    I can understand the business end of it enough, that it makes sense to sell equipment and balls to make the website profitable.

    However, to clearly rob people of their money is the best way to put themselves out of business..

    Much like the greedy ass professional athlete who thinks their multi million dollar

    contract is deserved.

    Hoping we will wise up and stop patronizing fucked up sites and entertainment events 

    like paying money for stupid ***..

    *** YOU WGT

  • Boonaroonihoo
    3 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 1:37 PM

    If that be true, please explain the water ball when you buy new balls..

    Yes, the one I'm speaking of is the non stoping meter when you are near water or wast land that mysteriously sucks your ball in?

    Answer that Einstein..

    And don't be  moron and say it's Porn or personal computer problems when it only happens on shots that can rob your ball.

    Oh yes. we can all play with the generic balls and maybe the effers would lose enough money to be forced to shut the site down..

    As the Beach Boys sang, "Wouldn't it e nice"

  • Dabao
    9 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 9:23 PM


     Check my equipment. How could I be sandbagging with starter equipment. Check my stats - nothing impressive! Check my match play - 0! If I so choose to use a ranked game for practicing various shots, then so be it. I owe you no explanation! If you truly believe that I have more equipment than what is shown write WGT azzhol

    Better question would be how you can post 30's in the unlimited weekly, then 3 max stoke games in the same tourney.

    I'm sure it has nothing to do with leveling up and keeping a high average.

    And I don't care to waste time contacting WGT, rather just post my thought here for many to see.

    How I play is none of your F.B.! It's a computer game and nothing more. Unlike yourself I am not concerned with levels, tiers, stats, alt shot or match play. I play this game for a laugh. Get a life you old ***!

  • pdxdriver
    2,628 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 1:36 PM



     Check my equipment. How could I be sandbagging with starter equipment. Check my stats - nothing impressive! Check my match play - 0! If I so choose to use a ranked game for practicing various shots, then so be it. I owe you no explanation! If you truly believe that I have more equipment than what is shown write WGT azzhol

    Better question would be how you can post 30's in the unlimited weekly, then 3 max stoke games in the same tourney.

    I'm sure it has nothing to do with leveling up and keeping a high average.

    And I don't care to waste time contacting WGT, rather just post my thought here for many to see.

    How I play is none of your F.B.! It's a computer game and nothing more. Unlike yourself I am not concerned with levels, tiers, stats, alt shot or match play. I play this game for a laugh. Get a life you old ***!

    calm down people,it's on a bloody game after all.