Currently, a ball plays perfectly for the duration of it's life (if it's not lost), then *poof* it disappears.
It would be a nice addition to wgt if a ball actually lost some of it's playability over time until it reaches unplayability, either by stroke or incrementally.
Additionally, it would be nice to have the option to choose another ball (of the same type, but presumably of higher playability) from our bag at the beginning of each hole. As simple as a "change ball" option in the menu.
I think it would add a level of realism to the game. It would also add another variable to the game that would emphasize decision making over simple execution.
As a game, wgt golf is great, but for the players at the top, there is a sense of boredom. New courses are great, so are the big tournaments, but the mechanics of the game have become rote response for many.