You say that you fixed the issues pertaining to load and swing meter problems,they are still there in the game. And when it comes to name brand golf balls, I have Nike's in my real bag for 3 years and I'm still playing with them. So you need to make the name brand balls last longer than 100 hits, for the price we pay for them. I can a sleeve of the real ones for $5.00 and play for years with them, you charge us $4.50 and we only get 100 hits out of them. Think about it 100 hits can be done in playing only 18 holes, so the name brand balls should last longer. Lets say that you make the Nike Balls last 400 hits, Callaway's last 300 hits and the Siraxon last 200 hit's. I can understand that the WGT balls last 100 hits because they suck in everything.