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Matchplay anyone?

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 8 2010 8:59 AM (1 replies)
  • WookieAce
    7 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2010 5:45 AM

    Hey there

    Been playing 3 weeks totally blown my donwload limits with my ISP but am hooked.

    Anyway I just read about this matchplay and would love to have a crack against some other guys.

    If I am online and available I will play for sure or add me as a friend and I guess we can work it from there.

    At pro level shooting around par pretty regularly now so looking for similar level players as I wish I was shooting 10+ under like some of the scores I see posted.


    Scott the Aussie


  • PorkyWalrus
    607 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2010 8:59 AM

    Yup and welcome. Would love to play a round or so with you.
