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Thu, Jul 19 2012 5:47 AM (7 replies)
  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 5:08 PM

    Greetings Fellow WGT'ers

    I have a small club (Democratic Republic Of Golf Obssession - DROGO for short) of close knit players with play levels ranging from a Tour Master through to Pro.

    We are interested in trying to get a 6 - 8 man tournament against another like-minded club for fun and variety.  The proposed format would probably be in a similar format to the Ryder Cup with matchplay games of equally tier matched players followed by a series of alternate shot team games.

    Any interested Clubs are invited to leave their contact details here so we can initiate communication and if mutually acceptable to each other, getting something underway.

    At this stage I don't envisage it being play for anything other than glory however we may be able to work a mutual agreement for a sleeve of WGT balls to each match winner.



    President - DROGO

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 5:27 PM

    Bring it !

  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 10:01 PM

    Gidday Mate

    I've sent friend request so we can discuss via messages what we have in mind.

    One of my members is a wiz at seeing pro's and con's of doing things a certain way and he has come up with some ideas I would like to run by you. If you can advise your club Prez as well of what we are talking about that would be good so we can incude him in the conversation,




  • AJRoberts
    1,276 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 12:12 AM

    Hello matey,

    My CC have recently done just that for a first time and are looking at having another match set up! I currently have 43 members: 6 who are Tour Masters/Legends, 15 Masters, 10 Tour Pros and 12 that are Hacks/Amateurs or Pros. Drop me a friend invite if you're interested in playing against us and we'll get cracking. 

    AJRoberts (AJRoberts and Friends CC)

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 6:11 PM


    The CC I play for (see profile CC logo) The Glamouflage Fairplay CC. I will post this thread in our CC forum . I am positive when our Prez see's this thread she will respond accordingly.

  • AJRoberts
    1,276 Posts
    Wed, Jul 18 2012 11:48 PM


    A great matchup matey - really enjoyable, many thanks to your chappie Puholinho for conversing with me on organising this thing.

    Was fun, and the better team won, although I have to say your game against our Luke (i was in the room on the laptop watching him and getting some game time myself while you played) really was a humdinger!

    Awesome stuff!


  • tiggerclark
    1,122 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2012 4:22 AM

    I have left a message on your wall.   Everybodys Chuckling would be more than happy to give your club a match,  I have asked our members this week and we have 8 ready to play.

    Hopefully we can work something out or if not in the future.


  • EchoOneZero
    533 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2012 5:47 AM

    Omega Golf & Country Club is also interested in this format of the game ....

    We have 10 -12 active members ready to go


