3 times recently I've entered high wind rg's on st andies......and 3 times i've had the same crappy bullsh1t full in the kisser head winds. Again for the 3rd time i've had a 30mph in the face wind on #4 (front fringe is barely reachable in 2) ,#5 and #9 and the hopeless 30mph tailwind on #8. (ain't worth 2 balloons & a whistle.)
I think the only random wind on wgt is the wind blowing out someone's rump.
Cut the crap WGT and give everyone the same wind sets.
The argument that everything levels itself out at the end of the day crap don't hold any water.
Who's butt do i have to kiss to get a fair set of winds?
And for what it's worth St Andie's ain't hurricane alley.
5 day forecast shows max wind speed 3 - 11mph.