Wow since this is a golf game who made the bright decision to put that fine display on the start page. Were they all drunk when they decided to do it? IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT!!!!!!!!
I want some bigfoot Sasquatch ads !!!! Like have Bigfoot throwing an avatar out of a tree or something.
Amuze me . I usually remember the funny ads .
What about the Vegetarians hahahahahaaha learn to eat meat ! Vegetarians hahahahaha soooo sensitive soooo offended lighten up its just a pic if it were a carrot or a bunch of beets it would be ok ITS JUST A PICTURE
YOUR STATE IS BROKE and you care about this.... could I have some free stuff from the well fair wounder land oh and i bet you want a bailout from the rest of the country
Funny stuff Kmarline. : )
Everyone can hit the advertiser in question where it hurts by going to the competition.
kmarline21:YOUR STATE IS BROKE and you care about this....
Damn right!!! WGT should donate some $$ to Peta and "Save the Cows" foundation (and Im not talking about fat ladies) !! We need pictures of Beans!! Would it kill you to put up a bean picture and support Vegans!!! EARTH POWER!!! Zaap zap zaaap
For a single pack of Nike's a week I am offering space on my profile. My poor play will certainly be an asset to any unfortunate business that accepts my offer.
TurkishTerror: Will someone please think of the Vegetarians!!! What about the Vegetarians!!!!!! Good job in pissing half of California off!!!
Will someone please think of the Vegetarians!!! What about the Vegetarians!!!!!!
Good job in pissing half of California off!!!
I don't think anyone cares about vegetarians since they don't care enough about themselves to eat proper and complete nutrition.
Eat meat...!!!
jld51: They sell a nice steak in the club house,recommend the very rare.melts in your mouth.
They sell a nice steak in the club house,recommend the very rare.melts in your mouth.
I went for Med. Rare, was beautiful! :)
Hope the gave you the CC Master's discount?