I would love to see an AFK option for "my status". The reason being is if we are waiting on a friend for a game. BUSY tells me they could be 2 hours before they are ready, whereas AFK means they could be back in 5 or 10 mins. and I can just hit the forums or the pro shop for a bit.
... or an amber light.
piztaker: ... or an amber light.
Buggyyy likes this. Also I think that the invite/friend activity sound should be differentiated.
99% of the time I don't even here a sound for invites and sometimes miss the invite(unless I'm staring at the invite box).
You don't hear the sound because your music volume is muted.
This is not true I play with sound. Only time I do hear a sound is in the game selection window. Browsing the forums or anything else in that window I don't hear a thing.
Once again, your MUSIC VOLUME is muted - not your sound volume.
Two things,
First, what does AFK stand for?
2nd, under game options, (believe it's where the music stuff/sound is) is an option to turn on and off sounds for invites.
Just figured it out I think...Away For Know?
MBaggese: First, what does AFK stand for?
It stands for Away From Keyboard.