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Have Set Tournament Start Times

Mon, Jun 4 2012 10:44 AM (1 replies)
  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Sat, May 26 2012 2:59 PM

    I think having settable tournament start times is a very important and obvious need in tournament creation both for Country Clubs and WGT itself, and it would make possible the editing and deleting of tourneys as well.

    As it stands now, if you want to create weekly CC tourneys with a uniform starting time, you have to be at the computer at that time every week.  You can't prepare your tournament schedule ahead of time.

    The same is true for the WGT site wide tourneys.  Most of us have noticed the weekly and monthly tournaments sometimes going up late, because apparently someone from WGT has to remember to do it manually.

    A definite tourney start time, instead of auto starting on creation, is the easy solution.  It's really surprising it has been overlooked so long, because it has additional advantages.

    You can't edit an open tourney, because it would be unfair to change course, wind speed, credit entry fee, etc. after a tourney is open.  Same for deleting a tourney that could already have entries.

    But if a tourney is only on the calendar, and hasn't started yet, then editing and deleting tournaments before the start time wouldn't effect anyone negatively, and, in fact, would help everyone to have the correct, intended tournament set up for play.

    The ability to set up a months worth of tourneys the month before, instead of manually creating tourneys every week, would be great for CCs.  Give both the tournament creator and the CC owner the ability to edit and delete tourneys, and let everyone view the upcoming tournaments, so any problems could be pointed out and corrected before a tournament ever starts.

    It would also help WGT bring more consistency to its calendar, to be able to set up the weekly and monthly site wide tourneys in advance, and have a 2nd or 3rd pair of eyes be able to look tournaments over and correct any mistakes, before the tourneys open.


  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Mon, Jun 4 2012 10:44 AM


     Most of us have noticed the weekly and monthly tournaments sometimes going up late, because apparently someone from WGT has to remember to do it manually.

    Like right now.