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New R11S - suggestion to wgt's team.

Sun, May 27 2012 5:58 AM (3 replies)
  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 4:38 AM

    I've thought about it, and here's what I suggest, which would be superb in my humble opinion.

    1) Make the shaft of the new R11S driver consistent with the real club, with a short red section below the handle (same red as the adjusting hexagonal screw on the head), followed by a long black section down to the head.

    2) In real life, the head of the R11S driver is more adjustable and aerodynamic, and also heavier than that of the R11. I'm sure it warrants more than a 2 yard increase, besides the extra forgiveness, which is true to fact. Make the R11S driver 285 yards instead (applicable to all R11S drivers, whether in the Pro Shop or the players' bags), and thereby set the tone for upcoming R11S wood (245 yards), hybrid (235 yards), and irons (230 yards - 125 yards).

    3) Make the meter speed of the entire R11S club set perfectly consistent with the driver.

    New products sometimes benefit from a little tweak after the initial release, in response to users' feedback. There is no shame in that, quite the contrary.

  • MioKontic
    4,661 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 5:11 AM

    Why not go all out and make it drive 650yds, maybe we'd then see the first score of 18 for 18 holes.

    If you took a real R11, a real R11S and a number of other drivers, hit each a number of times and averaged the distance for each, I would bet that none of them would be any longer than any other.

    Up until last year I was still using a Callaway VFT driver which was a fair few years old and nowhere near the size of the current driver heads, and I was still outdriving the golfers I was outdriving before.  In fact, I still have a Callaway Great Big Bertha which has an even smaller head and I'm sure I would get the same results with that.

    I know it's all about income, but by bringing out all these new, longer and more precise clubs and balls, WGT are killing what was a fantastic game.

  • SafariMan62
    222 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 5:15 AM


    3) Make the meter speed of the entire R11S club set perfectly consistent with the driver.

    Good thought... so,  we ask ourselves why hasn't WGT already done this? Many, many upgrades & chances to make them equal, but still different meter speeds....

    but, they make the new G20 irons & woods the same speed! Great!....but the R11 set.....bad design flaw or a hidden unknown theory?...i wonder

  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 5:58 AM

    Miok., if you are outdriving your competition with a lesser driver, it is merely because your skill level is greater. The equipment, however, does matter, and pros know that very well, enough to feel the need to upgrade their clubs every chance they get, to squeeze out a few more yards on drives or shave off a few more feet on approaches.

    Also, when complaining about the game becoming too easy, you are suffering from tunnel vision, with only a fraction of wgt top players in sight, who by the way are rarely griping that their scores are too low.