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Mon, Jun 4 2012 5:58 PM (28 replies)
  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 11:03 AM


    It's 6:30am on the west coast. I think they went home for the day to their families. Please give them some time to even read your follow up's.



  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 11:06 AM


    Just trying to understand the issue.  Where would you draw the line for example equipment level 60 and above?  What tiers would you restrict?

    A few years ago, this is how it used to be, you would unlock equipment when you reached a certain tier, but WGT changed it for some reason (probably financial) to let every one buy best equipment.

    This would stop sandbagging immediately, and would give an insentive to reach new tier.  I couldn't wait when i was a pro with a 245 yard driver to reach master to be able to use 270+ drivers.  Why change something that was a good formula to begin with.?

    This also improves players because when i was struggling with 245 yard driver, it was same ratio on some holes as being a legend so i had to learn to use long irons and how holes played rather than BRAINDEAD use of driver wedge on any hole. WHERE'S THE SKILL IN THAT?

    It's 6:30am on the west coast. I think they went home for the day to their families. Please give them some time to even read your follow up's.

    Do they work the night shift to be going home at 6 in the morning?

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 4:04 PM

    yeah, money plays a huge part in all this .. as it should

    as long as we live in a monetary based economy (which we do since the advent of at-arms-lenght trade), it will keep on being about financial resources .. as ..   it  ..   should

    not rocket science this .. it's demand & supply .. not cheap to maintain & expand a platform such as this .. if u not on the inside, u'll never realise what it takes to sustain an operation such as this .. it often takes helluva lot more than most can even begin to imagine ..

    speaking as a corp fin mngr i know this, trust me .. enjoy the game & be thankfull thats it's there in the 1st place .. cause it's no picnic to manage an enterprise of such magnitude ..


  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 11:53 PM


    not rocket science this .. it's demand & supply .. not cheap to maintain & expand a platform such as this .. if u not on the inside, u'll never realise what it takes to sustain an operation such as this .. it often takes helluva lot more than most can even begin to imagine ..

    speaking as a corp fin mngr i know this, trust me .. enjoy the game & be thankfull thats it's there in the 1st place .. cause it's no picnic to manage an enterprise of such magnitude ..

    I am well aware of how much it costs to have a site like this running, approximately. And I also know how much all these other Ad's and video popups will grant them.

    I would think they even get more money if they apply the tier limit system on clubs again. Then people would have to buy, lets say a driver at each tier. Well not have to but surely most will do. 

    Now they can just go up in level and then buy one or 2 drivers on the top ones. That way I think they earn less money than they did before on clubs but I could be wrong.


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 12:32 AM

    I am well aware of how much it costs to have a site like this running, approximately. And I also know how much all these other Ad's and video popups will grant them.

    Please expound on your knowledge and share with us a round a bout dollar figure if you may?

    My own humble opinion is you have no idea, but lets see what you come up with!


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 12:34 AM

    We have the 2  greenfee courses running now... that money should be suffient to bank roll Wgt..... Cabo should be free now.. been around for way to long not to.

    I agree with the OP......  We should go back to the old Tier system to unlock clubs...

    This will stop people playing 10,000 practise rounds(just saying that  to get their Levels up so they can get the top shelf clubs.

    Now saying this.... don't play with a Hack with the top Clubs



  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 12:44 AM

    There could only be 5% of wgt players that buy something off of ads. Is that a lot of money? I don't think so. Not every one that clicks on an ad buy something. There are more clicks than actual things sold. Lets say 50% of players click an ad, and 5% actually buy something. That is hardly any income between all employees working on the site. All that money probably goes to keeping the site running.

    All I can say is if you went to tier way in getting equipment, then there would more hacks and amateurs than any other tier. You think it would stop the cheating? I think it would be the opposite.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 12:56 AM

    There could only be 5% of wgt players that buy something off of ads. Is that a lot of money? I don't think so.

    I'd think it's a hefty coin.

    Look at it this way, why do you think your favorite shows keep playing?

    May be the 2 minute commercials/ads that run during the show?


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 7:48 AM


    Please expound on your knowledge and share with us a round a bout dollar figure if you may?

    My own humble opinion is you have no idea, but lets see what you come up with!


    Bang on target there MB .. people, in general, are totally clueless as to the extent & variety of hidden costs that arise during the course of operational expansion .. unforseen capital- & running costs if u will ..

    & 5% of 50% =  approx 125 000 people purchasing goods as results of ads .. & that converts into couple million $'s worth of purchases .. this will keep advertisers knocking on WGT's door for adv space .. and i'll wager that this is WGT's primary stream of revenue, & not the selling of virtual equipment ..

    whether they adv golf equipment, charcoal, nappies or latest cure for constipation is all irrelevant as far as i'm concerned .. if it provides the resources to expand this great game, i'm all for it ..

  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2012 1:35 PM

    The Ad's has nothing to do with how much people buy form them. They pay WGT for being on their site and thats it, WGT dont get money from people buying stuff from it. And as usual many people have now gotten away from the original post I made.

    I even told you that they would probably gain more money as people buy new driver/clubs every tier instead of just leveling up and buy best items once or twice. And you all people start talking about Ad's? 

    And btw, WGT dont make money from people buying stuff from the ad's, they earn money from companies who pay to be on this site...