i am currently in a CC that has one or two players who will always shoot brilliant scores in Premium tournaments. I am sick of that, I don't mind fair competition but when you see a 62 or better posted for STA or RSG then one is not going to bother.
I play fair and honest golf to the best of my ability, and want to compete with other people of the same ilk.
If your CC fits my bill then invite me, I am ready for a change.
No where in this post did he disrespect or talk bad about the CC he is currently in. Thank God we have choices. But to outright attack him in your post because he is looking for a new CC speaks enough in itself. All CC's I am sure have a level of competition that fits everybody. Its up to the members to get Tournies going that would be fun for all. Like running a TP only tourney for example.
CC's are only as good as its members !
Very ill mannered as a rep or owner of a CC to post against him like that. I think you taking it to personal.
Oneeye, Just look for a new CC quietly bro . It will save you some sleep :) .