Is there a reason why WGT Generated Tournaments don't specify 'TEE Location' ?
Some RG Tournaments and other Single Play Tournaments are played from different tees regardless of Tier - Yellow, Red and Blue tees. It certainly would be 'nice' to have prior indication of what TEES a particular tournament will be played from. This would allow participants to equip their bags accordingly ( substituting woods for an additional wedge or whatever suits them) as all the par 5's, from Red & Yellow Tees, are reachable with a mid to long iron for those with top equipment.
Suggestion would be to :
1. Include TEES in the information box on Tournament page...

2. Include TEES on play screen where a participant can verify conditions & equip their bag accordingly prior to teeing off.....

* Barring reasonable explanation for this exclusion unbeknownst to me *