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Friends List - Suggestion

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jun 3 2012 12:27 PM (0 replies)
  • LindaLuvsTiger
    85 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2012 12:27 PM

    WGT - Is there anyway you can change the way to remove Friends off our list????  I have suggested much easier faster way once before through an email issue and they loved this idea and forwarded the email up to appropriate staff there.

    Opposed to going into "our profile" clicking on each Friends name then going "into their profile to remove" and then back to OUR profile and same process over and over for each friend,  can take tons of time if ppl have over 100 and even 300 + friends ( seen players over 350+).

     Here's my suggestion:

    Make it so we go into "our" profile, pull up ALL FRiends names, have a box next to each one, click on that box and whoever else we want  and have a  "Remove all friends button that is clicked".  ONE full sweep done!!!!

    This idea can ensure that the players dont spend hrs doing the mundane way you have it set up and can PLAY hense might have more time to spend  play = $$$$..

    Think ahead of what and how you can have players spend less time doing mundane things and you can make more $ = simple!!!!

    Thank you!