Now that the WGT staff are reading the Forums, I wanted to share some things we need in the country clubs.
1: The ability to send a message to all the members. We have special competitions, announcements, news, info that owner want to share to everyone. Is a lie that all players read the forums every day. The owners need this tool to let everyone know for example: and update of the rules; a new MP tournament; to send Christmas cards...etc.
2: Tier based Tournaments. Most country clubs have different tiers. We can set in the tournament name "tour pro only" and yet anyone can enter. Some times by mistake, other time to get advantage of low level players... the things is that it need to be done.
3: a C.C wall and blog spot. (Like the profile player page onn which everyone can post their rounds images, trophys and receive comments) C.C's should have that. The few lines we have to put our club messages is a waste of time. C.C.'s would be having a huge advantage of this tool, posting banners, announcements, even the most important things so potential members can see it and current members can check what is going on. blog spot available to the owners, and Wall to members and non members like a WGT profile.
4: MultiRound tournaments. It will be nice to have some tournaments running all the month. like a player of the month of 4 rounds (1 per week) currently to do this the owners need to keep records of every round, mistakes can me make, each round need to be set up separately...etc.
5: Help from other members (co-owner): big country clubs require a lot of work. If we have the ability to delegate (for example new members aceptance, acces to forums to supervise it...etc) the C.C's will be better.
6: to be added acording to your suggestions :) ....
there are tons of things that can be done. this is what I have in mind right now.