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please count skinsc and mpc games towards your average

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 9 2012 12:38 AM (34 replies)
  • jbh1212
    102 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 1:12 AM

    I agree to many sandbaggers,and there are to many legends restarting there game all over again,to hustle the average,and to hustle the honest guy or girl on the course... i think its time to register correct, once you hit a certain level cant proceed unless id registration has been recieved,in this way it will stop multi accounts been used.  level 90 pro thats a joke,thats a straight cheat,if you go to this level you should not be allowed to buy equipement on offer unless you where a tour master or legend,in this way they will level up to tour master to get clubs, and the game will be fair. there are also to many people using bots and everything on offer to cheat the game

  • EnglishRosey
    733 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 11:31 AM


    Given there's many more non-Legends than Legends, you wouldn't want to shoot yourself in the foot for the minorit

    And.....Rosey whoooped up on me pretty good when she was a TM;)

    She may not remember, but I do:)

    Rosey, you told me about a site to sell old records to, just to ring a bell.

    No malice intended, just having fun!

    oh wow you triggered my memory, you sell those records? :)

    i miss kiawah b9 :( but i'm no bagger, i always played stroke 2.


  • Poindexter12
    23 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 12:14 AM


    'll step up to the plate right here and now.

    You ARE sandbagging.

    A quick show of your 2 or 3 ranked rounds in 8 months, pretty much bares this out.

    Mike, I appreciate your candor and respect your opinion.  We've played a time or two and I found you to be a knowledgeable gentleman. 

    I guess I didn't get the memo that ranked rounds are the holy grail at WGT.  

    None of the FAQ's I've read told me I need to continue making the game harder and harder until I reach the level of frustration that impels me to give it up.

    I play this game for fun and relaxation.  I've made several good friends that I very much enjoy playing with and against and it's that social interaction keeps me playing.

    I've never entered a tournament and have no interest in doing so.  I occasionally play skins challenge, but only for small amounts, 10-15 credits per hole, and as often as not I end up contributing to my opponents. 

    My average is an honest representation of my stroke play and being level 92 should be a pretty obvious tip off that I've played a fair amount. I guess I just don't get why people would be upset because I don't do things 'the right way". Who decides what is "the right way"?

    Again, thanks for your reply.  May your future consist of fairway and greens.


  • Poindexter12
    23 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 12:27 AM

    With only one ranked round this year I guess you fit the description.

    I don't mean to sound flippant, but could you expand on the 'description'?

    Are you saying that ranked rounds are what we are 'supposed' to play?

    Nobody told me that.

    A typical stroke round for me is being -4 after 5 holes and finishing even par or -1 at best. Consistency does not come easy.

    I prefer games where each hole stands on it's own.  In match or alt shot, I can put a bad hole behind me and move on to the next one.

    Thanks for your reply.  Hit 'em straight.



  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 12:38 AM

    You are free to play whatever games you prefer but do you think it's fair to play with a large advantage over your opponent for credits? I used to be a very good darts player, but how do think I'd feel if I entered a prize competition and I had to throw my darts from ten feet and my opponent could throw there's from 5?