replay.aspx?ID=cc564a5d 2b10 4a15 b77a a066010f230d
1st try Piz??? Very nice! I still never have. I see you found a blue shirt finally!
Don't give up fellow devotees, it can still be done, even without backspin.
Does anyone here know how to post scorecards (from WGT) on your profile.
mmcar2: Does anyone here know how to post scorecards (from WGT) on your profile.
piztaker: replay.aspx?ID=cc564a5d 2b10 4a15 b77a a066010f230d
n1..... I think it's actually easier to hole-out that way, only tried a few times since they took the spin away and made a couple of them while goofing around lol.
Only used it ocassionaly when the spin worked but all it ever did was just get you close to save me from a 3 putt.