nine76chris: and can play a 9 hole without quitting in the first 2 because of bad shots, send me an invite
I've achieved the Master rank, with only an upgraded driver and putter (everything else is Tour Starter Equipment) and I have quit on exactly one Multiplayer game. (One of the foursome decided to be a complete DH and spammed the chat continously, run the clock all the way down and hit the ball with his putter... )
Just as an aside.... Was playing MatchPlay 9 with a Pro the other day... I got to 3Dn on the 4th hole and ended up winning the game. Those who quit never experience that and I feel sorry for them.
Having said all that, I don't care if people quit. I don't control their lives or their games... if they bail, they bail. I win. I move on. I try to play the golf course and try to beat my best score/shot on each hole.
But, I'm kinda strange. Ask anyone.
Oh, and welcome to the site!