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Feature to boot players in AS lobby

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 8 2012 2:15 AM (7 replies)
  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 12:28 AM

    Should be a feature that shows in game lobby when starting a game in Alternate Shot that shows people pings for connection and have a way for the host to boot someone that does not meet the connection requirements before starting the game or teeing off. It would stop most or all disconnections from games, and be more fair for those that do have good or better connections for the game. This feature is on a lot of multi player games online for booting players. Should be an option for this game. Then for those with terrible connections will realize if they want to play this game bad enough, they can get better connection to play. Self Reliance is what makes your life easier.

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 12:34 AM

    And for those without the option for a better connection? My pings are atrocious(200ms+) but am rarely disconnected from multiplayer games..maybe once in 100 games. What constitutes a bad number? Who would set this arbitrary number? You?

  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 12:43 AM


    And for those without the option for a better connection? My pings are atrocious(200ms+) but am rarely disconnected from multiplayer games..maybe once in 100 games. What constitutes a bad number? Who would set this arbitrary number? You?

    Exactly.. High Ping doesn't mean you have a bad connection. Do your homework guys.


  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 12:48 AM

    Not sure if you are aware or not that your computer does not have a direct connection to the WGT servers. 

    My connection to the WGT servers goes through, at last count, 11 different servers before it gets to WGT.

    Try a traceroute and see how many hoops your connection has to go through before getting to the WGT server. If any 1 of those servers is overloaded the signal is disrupted causing slow load or jittery meter or even disconnects, which is most likely to occur at peak times. 

    So anyone at any time can experience a disconnect through no fault of their own.

  • walterjordan
    134 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 1:08 AM

    Touche'....I think that's how it is spelt, if not sorry.  You get my jest,  Now did I spell that right.  Never

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 11:58 PM



    And for those without the option for a better connection? My pings are atrocious(200ms+) but am rarely disconnected from multiplayer games..maybe once in 100 games. What constitutes a bad number? Who would set this arbitrary number? You?

    Exactly.. High Ping doesn't mean you have a bad connection. Do your homework guys.


    Your just a know it all, aren't you? Glad I blocked you.


  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 1:36 AM

    Your just a know it all, aren't you? Glad I blocked you.

    My apologies if i came across as rude, it was not my intent. I was just giving another point of view you may not have considered. The fact you have blocked me for a single innocent comment in a public forum just shows what sort of person YOU are. Thank you.

  • kelsp
    2,228 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 2:15 AM


    Just because you cant take a proper answer from someone who knows enough of the game to suggest counter opinions which are backed with data, to block him is asinine.