Hi Wgt ,
i would really like to know if members that i send a gift received this items. I cant see
anything about it! Only if the friend replies !
Via E-Mail would be a good way ! Thanks and Greetings from Italy!
I know when I send gifts to friends, I get a pm about it. Then whoever you sent it to will get the message and usually they will respond with a ty at least....(well, they should) lol
they get email saying who sent it and what was sent :)
if they don't then it';s likely in spam or something else is blocking it.
Hi ,
Ok i understand but i would like to receive a Mail that says:
"Your friend received the item that you sent"
WGTicon: hi they get email saying who sent it and what was sent :) if they don't then it';s likely in spam or something else is blocking it. -wgticon
This is ONLY if they are friend with you. If not, the person who is gifted will not receive any message at all. Just saying :)
Ok! Thank You!