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About the banning player post

Tue, Jun 12 2012 6:47 PM (25 replies)
  • Funkyjunkie3000
    722 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 4:10 AM

    very good idea this should be implemented

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 5:20 AM

    But you can capture the page in seconds. I just press PrtSnc. Then I click on the Irfanviewv icon (Irfanview is a free download with many uses.) Then I click on the file button on there and reduce it to save for after the game. 5 seconds max. Then after the game I upload it to Imageshack and copy and paste it wherever required, 

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 5:53 AM

    sure let's ban the player.....and perhaps ban the player time and time again with every new account he/she will just start up after getting banned.

    how much time would it take to make 4 or 5 screenshots (20 lines of text) ?

    i just took me 30 secs at quite a low pace.

    adding up an abusive chat report button is a good idea but i've seen other good ideas falling on deaf ears too.

    just sayin'


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 9:43 AM

    Thanks for the feedback everyone:)


  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 11:07 AM


    how much time would it take to make 4 or 5 screenshots (20 lines of text) ?

    i just took me 30 secs at quite a low pace.

    30 secs is pretty fast if you take screenshot, paste in paint, save, reopen paint, take new screenshot, paste etc etc.

    And how many screenshots will it take to get a whole chat? 4 lines of text for each screenshot with like 100 lines of text. You make the math yourself :) And screenshots dont show reality, they show what the person taking the screenshot wants WGT to see and maybe not the whole context (which was said before).

    And much easier with like 2 click for sending abusive chat report than doing all that dont you agree? :)


  • NukeRat
    325 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 3:57 PM

    There are many free versions of software out there that allow for taking more than one screen shot at a time.  For example, the free version of fraps.

    How it works is this:  You assign a button for your screen shots and pick a folder the screen shots will save to.  I created a folder on my desktop for keeping track of my screenies.  Then, every time you hit the assigned button it will drop a new screen shot in said folder.

    Fraps is just one example.  EVGA has software called precision that is used to monitor you video cards which has the same feature.  Anyway.  If you search for something like this you should be able to find many options.  Including the ones I have listed.

    With that said.  It would be nice for a feature like you suggested.  A button for abuse or something.  

    This is just some FYI and use it if you like.  I hope this helps.  Thank you for your time my friends.


  • GolfDum
    396 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 4:24 PM

    Take a pic of anything on your screen in a matter of two clicks and automatically save it to the web. It's also very lightweight and won't drag your PC down.



  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 5:39 PM


      It cant be that serious . Then start another thread about this? Go ahead let it out ...there there now feel better?    


    You have now cemented your legacy as an asinine jerk. Other words come to mind, but I try to be considerate of the forum. For you to continue to make light of sexual harassment & death threats is unconscionable. I feel very sorry for any woman in your life, if one exists, for your opinion of & respect for females is obviously very low. I tried & tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you have slammed the door on that need.  There is no doubt. To be so condescending to someone who had to endure what she states she did is reprehensible, & very unsupportive of your fellow wgt community members. I guess if someone harassed you & threatened your life, you would laugh it off as cavalierly as you are SP's encounter. I hope that if you ever have a complaint that someone with more compassion & consideration than you possess handles it for you. Take a long shameful look in the mirror & look past that condescending facade that passes for a personality, & see if anything worthwhile is in there.  Common human decency: google it. :) Good Day

    Your doing the same thing here . I could consider your post abuse and report you now couldnt I ?  LMFAO

    Go away man with your judgmental self or get Ordained.