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About the banning player post

Tue, Jun 12 2012 6:47 PM (25 replies)
  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 12:52 AM

    According to what was said in I have a suggestion for you WGT.

    As it is a real pain going through "take Screenshot-paste in paint-save-find support email on this site-log in to mail-write mail and issue-send mail", I would like to see an easier way of doing this.

    And another thing is that a screenshot only fits like 4 rows of chat so it sometimes would take many many screenshots to get the whole picture. And some people can even be faulty accused as the person sending the screenshot might have started and said worse things but only sends what the opponent said.

    So what I suggest is that you add a button, much like the the bug-button "submit this problem to WGT". This new button could be something like "sumbit this abuse to WGT" and what it does is: A pop-up comes up and you can write some lines about what you think about the situation. The text written in the pop-up will then be sent along with the whole chat for the game.

    Then no misunderstandings, nice and easy way to report abuse instead of the pain in the ... way i mentioned above.



  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 1:30 AM

    That is the best Idea/Suggestion I have heard for a very long time.

    Well done to you for thinking of it :)

    If it could be done, it will be fantastic.


  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 1:35 AM

    Cheers Roger, but its not a matter of if it can be done, its a matter of if WGT wants to make it done :)

  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 1:41 AM


    According to what was said in I have a suggestion for you WGT.

    As it is a real pain going through "take Screenshot-paste in paint-save-find support email on this site-log in to mail-write mail and issue-send mail", I would like to see an easier way of doing this.

    And another thing is that a screenshot only fits like 4 rows of chat so it sometimes would take many many screenshots to get the whole picture. And some people can even be faulty accused as the person sending the screenshot might have started and said worse things but only sends what the opponent said.

    So what I suggest is that you add a button, much like the the bug-button "submit this problem to WGT". This new button could be something like "sumbit this abuse to WGT" and what it does is: A pop-up comes up and you can write some lines about what you think about the situation. The text written in the pop-up will then be sent along with the whole chat for the game.

    Then no misunderstandings, nice and easy way to report abuse instead of the pain in the ... way i mentioned above.



    It cant be that serious . Then start another thread about this? Go ahead let it out ...there there now feel better?

    The way WGT has advised you to do it is sufficient. You dont need 100 pieces of abuse as proof . Just 1.

  • misstery
    705 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 2:16 AM

    That's a great idea, WGT can see the whole conversation and make an informed decision on what action may be necessary to be taken.

    SOme people are baited into  a reaction, and as soon as they react that one snippet of info is screen captured and they find themselves in hot water with the authorities, anything that makes reporting abuse easier is a great idea.

    Very well thought out.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 2:47 AM

    You can right click and give details now, or am I missing something?

  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 2:49 AM

    There is no such button. If there were I'm sure they would tell us to give abuse-reports that way instead of going through many steps with screenshots which dont give a whole chat :)

  • Lmorgan007
    408 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 2:55 AM

    I have another suggestion.  I've spent the last 20 minutes setting up a matchplay game and getting someone decent to play.  I declined a few obvious sandbaggers (lvl 90+ Pro's - yeah right), but they leave abusive messages on the lobby chat screen.

    Rather than leave these on the chat screen I had to start all over again.

    It would be good to have some way of clearing the chat screen in the lobby, when you are the only one there.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 3:03 AM

     I've spent the last 20 minutes setting up a matchplay game and getting someone decent to play.  I declined a few obvious sandbaggers (lvl 90+ Pro's - yeah right), but they leave abusive messages on the lobby chat screen.


    Funny (IMO).

    You won't play a level 90 TP but you would play a level 30 TP I am guessing?

    Why not just set your search to TM +?

    You should find a "decent" game then..

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 3:30 AM


    You can right click and give details now, or am I missing something?

    Yes you can piz... Right click and send a screen shot and also write comments is good, but could be taken out of context.

    What the Op was saying... If WGT could somehow have a button we could press that shows the whole conversation would be great.

    I don't thing it's possible, but never say never :)
