There are many free versions of software out there that allow for taking more than one screen shot at a time. For example, the free version of fraps.
How it works is this: You assign a button for your screen shots and pick a folder the screen shots will save to. I created a folder on my desktop for keeping track of my screenies. Then, every time you hit the assigned button it will drop a new screen shot in said folder.
Fraps is just one example. EVGA has software called precision that is used to monitor you video cards which has the same feature. Anyway. If you search for something like this you should be able to find many options. Including the ones I have listed.
With that said. It would be nice for a feature like you suggested. A button for abuse or something.
This is just some FYI and use it if you like. I hope this helps. Thank you for your time my friends.