From post in the other WGF W2 thread:
Beyond this I'm going to make a call which some may disagree with but
in all honesty, it'll make my running of the tour, possible for the
next two weeks.
All players who've submitted scores for W2 (both rounds) will be
accepted (irrespective of posting mistakes). All warnings given to
players in W1 and W2 will be removed so everyone from this point forward
will start with a clean slate.
All the rules will now be enforced strictly
but everyone gets the chance to start afresh. Everyone's had plenty of
opportunities to get used to the card / greenshot / different partner
rules so the mistakes should now be minimized. I'm seeing the past two
weeks as a trial run and now everything is live and valid.
Some may see this as unfair but put simply with the limited amount of
time I have available and other people in the management team being
away as well, it will become near impossible to look after for the next
few weeks with the amount of warnings currently in place.
PM me if you have any questions on this matter as I don't want the
thread to degenerate into a forum discussion about this decision. In all
honesty, I don't want to have to do it but I simply have no choice
given the availability I'm working around.