Obviously, judging from my own posts and emails to WGT and countless others on here doing the same, there's a ton of ill will regarding various glitches, cheats, lost balls, etc...
Being a marketer for 20+ years with most of it online marketing, why is it so hard for WGT to fix a few things when the fixes could be so beneficial?
Many players complain about not being able to win credits in RGs. Why are the number of RGs so limited? Create RGs for each tier with multiple levels of cost i.e. - Tour Master St Andrews Front 9 RGs of 1000, 500, 100, 50. Do the Same for back 9 and double for Full 18. That would be a total of 12 RGs for Tour Masters at St Andrews alone. If you do this for each course (SA, RSG, Oak, Kia, BPB, etc...), you would have 7 courses x 12 RGs each = 84 RGs for TMs alone.
And allow us to search RGs by tier because of this larger number.
Ok maybe that's a bit excessive but see the point here. Increasing the number of RGs that are tier specific = building immense good will with the entire community.
Not to mention forcing a large number of players to compete in far more ranked rounds, thereby helping solve yet another issue (sandbagging) if they shoot well enough to win or place high.
On top of all this good will, WGT will make more money because more people will purchase credits. Simply put, its a win-win for everyone.
I find myself constantly waiting to play RGs specific to my tier. I have far less issues playing these tour specific RGs than any other aspect of WGT. While I still do have some issues that many have listed and gone over hundreds of times on these forums (balls through walls, weeds, bushes, etc...) Adding the additional tier I've seen mentioned and I can't think of another way that WGT could fix more of the problems than what I've mentioned above.
I'm only able to break about even or worse on RGs that are not tier specific if they are the 100 credit variety. Larger fees result in more winnings which bring the big guns.
Curious the thoughts of the rest of you on this...