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Tracking Scores

Sun, Jun 10 2012 9:18 AM (2 replies)
  • burnone2
    157 Posts
    Sun, Jun 10 2012 8:20 AM

    I would like a page with all the tournies ive entered and MY current high scores listed all on the same page, it would make it alot easier to see which i would like to try and improve,

    With so many played each month its hard to keep track of even the ones ive entered let alone my best score on each

    And another thing
    there is no indication in blitz games if you won the match or who you beat or lost to
    as far as i can see there is no value to playing blitz games ,other than practicing your approach shots

             Nothing to it, but to do it

                  Thanks ya'll gl...hf

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jun 10 2012 8:34 AM

    The best available overview is on the game client (window) IMHO. For each CC tournament and almost every public tournament (*) you can easily access the leaderboard and view your rank and score. Easy to get to the next one.

    Regarding best scores for each course, I recommend the course avards list (unless you spoiled it due to the recent WGT glitch).

    (*) except for the hidden WGT Nation tourneys

  • burnone2
    157 Posts
    Sun, Jun 10 2012 9:18 AM

    Yes, I know all the info is there, but checking each Tourney for my score is slow and
    a waste of valuable hitting time,
    whats so hard about a box on my profile  with my current tourneys listed and my best score to date

    Quick and easy to decide which is the one i would like to try and better Use some of the monies you make off all the balls WGT steals from players to pay for the upgrade