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Wed, Jun 13 2012 8:56 AM (34 replies)
  • promark1
    412 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 9:07 PM

    i use motionjoy ,check out this video it will guide you through

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 9:13 PM


    Hmmmm . . . I do have a Saitek X52 joystick and throttle.  Not sure how that'd 'feel' trying to swing a club with though.  Could Xpadder assign a mouse button to a keyboard key, like the space bar?

    It doesn't seem so.  You can assign any keyboard stroke or mouse button and navigation to a game controller, but it's not made to switch between mouse and keyboard.  You'd think there'd be a program out there that could do that, though.

    If there's a good button on you joystick you'd be comfortable using, you could set up that button to left click (probably would want to make it click and hold), and just use it for dinging, but use the mouse for everything else.

    There ought to be a way, though, to put a click on the keyboard.

  • promark1
    412 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 9:35 PM

    just found this it might solve your problem

  • bookish07
    13 Posts
    Wed, Jun 13 2012 1:24 AM


    Interesting idea for starting players... level 10 and below.  Will think about it some more, but overall... welcome to the game and -- definitely -- thanks for the input!

    - MisterWGT / CN

    Thanks for the vote of confidence and possibly entertaining the idea.


    Level 10 is very easily achievable in a matter of a day or 2. Perhaps look at a level that new players begin spending money and a level that players begin to decrease their play time/spend amount and set the level just above that.


    How long does it take a new player to try the EZ-swing irons and figure out they are no good?


    Again level 10 is over and through with in a flash, and in my opinion probably not long enough for people to start spending money. Although you guys would know that magic number better than anyone.


    Also, if the purpose of the auto dinger ball is to entice new players and/or allow some time to learn the courses, level 10 isn’t enough time to get your feet wet in my opinion. Personally I was level 28 the first week. No power-ups.


    Additionally, it’s hard enough to get a multiplayer game as a noob level 20+. So your experience is hardly worth older players time to even play you. Nobody wants to play a level 10 hack. J


    One sleeve of auto ding balls could carry you from level 1-10 in a matter of hours. In my opinion, a product of this magnitude should be available to a wider spectrum of players.


    Thanks for the time.


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, Jun 13 2012 8:56 AM

    Again, as a non conforming ball it could be out there for people of other levels to use, just not competitively. It would be a niche ball for people whose physical limitations currently make the game almost too difficult to play. Those with sight problems and arthritis come to mind.

    bookish07- nice idea.