Mr. Hackerman,
Welcome to the forums! I haven't found any 'magic formulas' for playing the wind either. The higher the loft of your clubs, and the distance you have to the hole, make this variable, if not interesting.
Add spin to your shot and it can change even more. I think one of the best ways to work on wind and how exactly it will effect the given shot and club combination, is to play CTTH. comps. and really study your results.
My rule of thumb: If you have a twelve M.P.H. in your face, divide that by 3. It should reduce the distance your ball travel by 4 yards. If its more of a side wind, reduce that some. If you backspin the ball, you need to add more yardage to that shot as the wind will cause the ball to fly even higher, with more of a parachute effect as it lands.
I know someone with more expertise will weigh in on this soon!
Check back often! 8)