I have played many console golf games.
This one is good on driving and fairway, but the putting scales need some help.
30 , 60 , 100+ really?
obliviot: I have played many console golf games. This one is good on driving and fairway, but the putting scales need some help. 30 , 60 , 100+ really? Blows.
So I dont understand. Whats the problem? What putter are you using? Come on details will help us help you.
Upgraded putters have different scales.
My putter, the Level 77 Nike has scales of 10ft, 20ft, 50ft, 100ft+
Other putters like the Ghost Spiders have scales of 15ft, 25ft, 50ft, 100ft+
As blowing is the opposite of sucking I assume that's a compliment to the programmers?
Give him a break he's only been here 3 weeks, at least he isn't using the EZswing putter.
Damn Danny, that's brutal.
Lmorgan007: obliviot: Blows. As blowing is the opposite of sucking I assume that's a compliment to the programmers?
obliviot: Blows.
It is strange that although blow and suck are opposites, when used metaphorically they're both bad sometimes, and both good sometimes.
labordayk: Lmorgan007: obliviot: Blows. As blowing is the opposite of sucking I assume that's a compliment to the programmers? It is strange that although blow and suck are opposites, when used metaphorically they're both bad sometimes, and both good sometimes.
LMFAO ... gotta wipe spit off my screen now from my outburst .. thx alot "labordayk" !!
renniw52: Damn Danny, that's brutal.
Just saying, Renni, Look his name up , its a neologism, a mix of Oblivious and Idiot
he used it I just listed the definitions. LOL
DannyPhan: renniw52: Damn Danny, that's brutal. Just saying, Renni, Look his name up , its a neologism, a mix of Oblivious and Idiot he used it I just listed the definitions. LOL Danny
Danny...Thanks bro you kill me LOL. I needed a little laughter today even if it is at someones else expense .