Hi WGT, i'm fairly new to this wonderful game you have created and am enjoying it immensely, Well Done!
After looking through the forums there seems that there are quite a few disgruntled players that are citing various conspiracy theories that you have rigged the game to force shots into the lakes therefore stealing there balls. Although I don't personaly beleive this is the case, I do have a suggestion! Given that these balls have already been payed for, could we not have some sort of Lake ball challenge or a tournament where one player could win all the balls that have been hit into the lakes? Or maybe a lake ball lottery where for a few credits you could potentually win a lifetime supply of balls.
And on a send note, if you do accept this suggestion, could I have a small percentage of these balls as a sort of royalty payment..........or maybe a level 77 nike putter if anyone has let one slip in there....lol
Heres hoping, WindySteve