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Lake Balls!

Sat, Jun 16 2012 3:51 AM (8 replies)
  • WindySteve
    28 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 5:49 PM

    Hi WGT, i'm fairly new to this wonderful game you have created and am enjoying it immensely, Well Done!

     After looking through the forums there seems that there are quite a few disgruntled players that are citing various conspiracy theories that you have rigged the game to force shots into the lakes therefore stealing there balls. Although I don't personaly beleive this is the case, I do have a suggestion! Given that these balls have already been payed for, could we not have some sort of Lake ball challenge or a tournament where one player could win all the balls that have been hit into the lakes? Or maybe a lake ball lottery where for a few credits you could potentually win a lifetime supply of balls.

    And on a send note, if you do accept this suggestion, could I have a small percentage of these balls as a sort of royalty payment..........or maybe a level 77 nike putter if anyone has let one slip in

    Heres hoping, WindySteve

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 6:06 PM

    All balls in water, it would be gazillions. I dont think wgt gives so many balls away, cause a bad shot all can do!


  • WindySteve
    28 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 1:17 AM


    All balls in water, it would be gazillions. I dont think wgt gives so many balls away, cause a bad shot all can do!



    Good point, it probably would be alot of balls but as they would be going to only one player they would not be losing alot of revenue as only one player would stop buying more balls. And on real courses lake balls are collected periodically and resold. The difference on here is that virtual balls seem to disolve into cyber space on contact with water and even in deep rough sometimes. Maybe instead of giving a large number of balls to the winner they could all be compacted into one unlimited ball of the players chosen brand.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 2:24 AM

    I wonder how many balls have been hit into water here?  Gazillions probably isn't far off the mark I think.

    I remember seeing a program on telly years ago about a couple of guys who got permission from one of the big American golf clubs to dive their lakes to collect balls.  Since the club opened nobody had ever collected balls from the lakes there and apparently there was a 4 foot deep layer of balls in some places.

    2,580 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 2:32 AM

    The same people would win them every time, lol. No disrespect to those who win, just think its a NO NO here.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 9:18 AM

    It would cut into trying to get the game to the break even point financially for the investors but to make the game more realistic I could see something like 20 or 25% of the OB or "in the water" balls not being subtracted from the players' equipment. That would be a compromise between the 0% we have now and the +50% that occurs in real life.

    As for a bit of trivia about the number of golf balls in the water, at the TPC Sawgrass Course 17th (the famous par 3 with the island green) it's estimated people hit  120,000 balls in the water on that hole alone. 3 golf balls for each person who plays it. Boggles the mind.

  • swannyxx
    303 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 10:22 AM

    Do you think maybe titleist  had any input on the design of that hole?  :)

  • JimH123A4
    8 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 11:46 PM



    All balls in water, it would be gazillions. I dont think wgt gives so many balls away, cause a bad shot all can do!




    Good point, it probably would be alot of balls but as they would be going to only one player they would not be losing alot of revenue as only one player would stop buying more balls. And on real courses lake balls are collected periodically and resold. The difference on here is that virtual balls seem to disolve into cyber space on contact with water and even in deep rough sometimes. Maybe instead of giving a large number of balls to the winner they could all be compacted into one unlimited ball of the players chosen brand.

    WGT should sell ball retrievers in the pro shop. That way we would have a chance to scoop from the water our errant shots.  One might find other golf balls while fishing around in there.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2012 3:51 AM




    All balls in water, it would be gazillions. I dont think wgt gives so many balls away, cause a bad shot all can do!




    Good point, it probably would be alot of balls but as they would be going to only one player they would not be losing alot of revenue as only one player would stop buying more balls. And on real courses lake balls are collected periodically and resold. The difference on here is that virtual balls seem to disolve into cyber space on contact with water and even in deep rough sometimes. Maybe instead of giving a large number of balls to the winner they could all be compacted into one unlimited ball of the players chosen brand.

    WGT should sell ball retrievers in the pro shop. That way we would have a chance to scoop from the water our errant shots.  One might find other golf balls while fishing around in there.


    at one time you could run across and find balls but I think they stopped that.