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game disconneting

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Thu, Apr 22 2010 10:24 AM (11 replies)
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  • Davemuck63
    303 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 4:45 PM

    This is getting down right silly.  I just spent $20 on credits and I have been disconnected, or can't connect to the server 4 times tonight.  Usually its the others that i'm playing with, can't seem to load, the loading spinning wheel just keeps on turning and after 3 or 4 minutes they disconnect.  I love this game but I want to be able to play the darn thing.  



  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 5:56 PM

    Somebody has to say it... might as well be me...

    Have you cleared both caches recently?  Usually it works alright, but not tonight? Have you changed anything that may make it unstable?

    Little bit more info.... let's get you back in the game.


  • TarheelsRule
    5,595 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 6:04 PM
    On tour for one week and spent $20 in credit. WGT might want to make you a diamond member.
  • Davemuck63
    303 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 7:03 PM

    this is a brand new computer, I have the pop up blocker off, I have most setting set to off or medium.

    I LOVE THIS GAME, but it has to work or...........thats all for me.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 11:09 PM

    Again.. no information is forthcoming.

    Perhaps we should call a Veterinarian... the only people who can fix what's wrong without actually talking to the patients.

    More specific, Davemuck...  If you want help.

    If you just want to vent, that's ok, too.

  • Davemuck63
    303 Posts
    Thu, Apr 22 2010 4:55 AM

    More information, I'm not sure what more there is to say.  Last night was by far the worst although it has happened before. Its a new computer, an iMac, I was told this game will play on either a pc or mac.  This glitch has happened before but not as bad as last night, I've only been playing for a week.  I use a high speed internet connection, I've cleared the cache, there are no other programs running at the same time.  Example:  I was playing a round with 3 others last night, my load times were o.k. and so were 2 others but the 3rd fellow looked to be having problems, when he was finally disconnected everything else froze, couldn't continue playing, eventually had to shut down and lost our game.  In all, this happened in 4 games last evening. 

    Perhaps I was just venting, and for that I am sorry, but I really love this game and having the interaction with other golfers.

    Perhaps I should be installing Firefox ?, although not sure that will do anything more than what I have already got.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Apr 22 2010 5:20 AM


    Perhaps I was just venting, and for that I am sorry, but I really love this game and having the interaction with other golfers.

    Perhaps I should be installing Firefox ?, although not sure that will do anything more than what I have already go


    The kind of info Snaike was referring to was stuff like what browser you're using. Your comment about Firefox leads me to believe you're playing on IE8, not the best scenario.

    Firefox and Google's Chrome browser work best here. Try Chrome-it's free, installs with one click, doesn't mess anything up on your computer and doesn't require a restart.

    Don't apologize for venting-it's healthy as long as ignorance doesn't show up. GL

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Thu, Apr 22 2010 5:42 AM

    And given your latest details, it may not be you at all.  Just the people you are connecting with.  There are basically two different 'series' of servers, the wgt servers and the psj servers(5 or 6 of each I think).  All players in a multi-player game need to be connected to the same server.  It has been documented in the forums in the past that the psj line of servers cause more havoc than the wgt line.  So what may be happening is that fourth in your group has a bad connection and ends up dropping eventually.

    It has also been documented in these forums that disconnects at the wrong time (ie on the players turn) tend to lock up the game for the rest of the group.  I believe WGT is still working on this issue.  If it happens again get everyone that is left to right click and submit a bug report to WGT, I'm sure it will help them, it certainly won't hurt.

    All this is assuming that you are not getting the time out messages yourself though..... you're not, are you?

    *edit*  The easiest way to know which series of server you are connecting to is to use firefox, it will show the server name in the status bar at the bottom while you are playing.  I will try to dig up the old thread about this.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Apr 22 2010 6:15 AM

    This might be it. 

    In Chrome you can locate the server you're on by clicking the page icon next to the wrench in the top right corner. Click Developer/Developer Tools/Cookies/WGT and look for Latest Node in the list. This is the server you are on.

  • Davemuck63
    303 Posts
    Thu, Apr 22 2010 6:20 AM

    I've had the timeout message appear several times over the last week myself, although not last night during the above mentioned freeze up.  I hope thats not my internet connection as I pay a priemium for the high speed.

    As for Firefox and google chrome, I will install them this morning.

    A very BIG thank you to AvatarLee and YankeeJim for all their help, its nice to know someone is out there willing to help.


    When I've had to timeout message appear, I hit retry and your back in business right away.



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