As I am not in any CC and there isn't anyone speaking out for me, I'd like to offer up my services to any team put together.
How about a MP knock out tournament open to all (or invitational) and those who reach the final 32 make the WGT All-Star team?
The team WGT All-Star Captain then decides the pairings for each round of the tournament vs. Deviations
I would happily help organize the tournament, MB would make a fine captain.
Tiffer, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are one of the game's best and you can compete against (and beat) anyone on any given day.
I think WGT All-Stars vs. Deviations "A" Team would be a great battle.
I'm not nearly good enough to play at that level, but I would love to play a supporting role in organizing or facilitating the tournament. Please let me know if there's anything I can do.