well, as there aren't many master clubs you can choose from it's pretty boring. You play against players from the tier and they have pretty much the same clubset. For that I'd like to see some of the Pro Clubs also in Master Range (not the V2s though...) the hack clubs too. I'd really love to have a black Tour Burner Driver with it's fantastic look. 275,272,270 I don't care. Just with a Master Tier Range. You could use some different stats too like giving it more forgiviness than the other Master Drivers but less Precision with the same Meter Speed as the Ping G10/TM R9. Also the 2009 Burner Driver with a Master Tier Range would be nice. I just care for having some different models to see some different clubs in a round. But please if you get them as Master Clubs don't make the cost so ridicuolus high as on the i15. The G10/R9 price would be cool 900 credits wouldn't be too much too but anything over 1000 credits is ridiculous. Just my opinion+my suggestion;D.