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Trustable puttinggrids

Tue, Jul 30 2013 7:23 PM (10 replies)
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  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 1:11 PM

    When you update game etc. why dont you make puttinggrids true, many shows no slope, but if you hit ding ball passes by inches. Ok them i hit too soft is my fault, but when i can see right power and ball rolls over or past hole by 1 inc. i never have a chance to aim right, cuse there is no dots to show slope!!

  • pUGfANmn
    436 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 1:52 PM

    There is an indicator that does show the slope - the aiming marker tells you if it's up or down from your feet (^2 in, etc).  The movement of the dots is left/right break.  The lines are also color-coded to show how much slope there is with the break.

    One other factor, and I learned this late, is that the slope can change on the line between the player and the hole - while the overall slope may be up 2 inches, there may be a point that it drops 2 inches before coming back up to the hole.

    Last factor is precision of the putter - while the Nike is one of the most precise, it's still not perfect.  Higher precision with a putter means you need to be even closer with your aim than with a less precise putter.

    Nature of the game, I say.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 1:52 PM

    also annoying whe forward and reverse view show different breaks. Sometimes in different directions. Some greens, specially at Whistler, also have a lot of "bumps" that is not picked up at all by the grid. Impossible to calculate them into the equation

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 3:42 PM

    Well i've learned alot on the grens since i made this thread, but its still highactual, there keep comes new threads with complain over the bad grids, liardots and some completely unreadable from front, only reverse works, to see the hole and ball, if you are near a fringe on many holes, and the worst example, try go a bit short and right on frontpin kia hole #17 and you even dont get a frontview, only reverse. there havent happen anything with improvement on the puttinggrids since this thread was made, like wgt dont care at all but money! I have improve my game wht clearly shows on my tier, but its not with any help from grids, i've just get better to compensate the wrong slope there is on many holes, if i should believe the dots i would miss almost all putts

    ! IMHO there must be a better way to show slope than small white moving dots on a coloured plain surface!


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 4:08 PM

    I have learned that the most accurate grid is the one where the balls lies in  line from the camera to the grid. Sometimes both reverse and front grids are diagonal and if there is also elevation, you just need to gamble.

    But that explains why forward and reverse often shows different breaks.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 4:21 PM

    What if the size of the grid space was halved and showed more lines? Maybe eliminate the moving dots and have tighter contour lines with the colors as they are. Is this feasible?

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 6:15 PM

    Since  the greens are not in 3D, it would be pretty impossible. We would need to be able to move around the green as real golfers and look at the line from different angles.

    What i think would help would be if we would have an easy option to report "the grid is off here" without too much bureaucracy. Maybe just right click similar as the bug report but with no need to submit replays or stuff. If WGT get many reports on the same hole, maybe, just maybe, they would take a look at their data. Same for holes that play long/short.

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 8:10 AM


    Since  the greens are not in 3D, it would be pretty impossible. We would need to be able to move around the green as real golfers and look at the line from different angles.

    What i think would help would be if we would have an easy option to report "the grid is off here" without too much bureaucracy. Maybe just right click similar as the bug report but with no need to submit replays or stuff. If WGT get many reports on the same hole, maybe, just maybe, they would take a look at their data. Same for holes that play long/short.

    Not only long/short, but some holes show completely wrong slope from left/right but its more opposite or just a straight putt needed, and thats on short putts they dont show the correct break at all, so it get all guess/experience make the bird/eagle on the hole. Often a long putt on those holes are easier to get in, cause you have more power on your shot.



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 10:53 AM

    I don't know how indicative your stats are of your game.  I know my putting one's got blown up doing par 3s to level up for the L93 R1.  If they are indicative then your distance to the pin needs working on (yardage mapping basics).  Your 1 putts may then start to improve, and then when that happens have a rethink............No offense but the game is in no way responsible for the stats you have if they are indicative of how you usually play! 

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 1:20 PM


    I don't know how indicative your stats are of your game.  I know my putting one's got blown up doing par 3s to level up for the L93 R1.  If they are indicative then your distance to the pin needs working on (yardage mapping basics).  Your 1 putts may then start to improve, and then when that happens have a rethink............No offense but the game is in no way responsible for the stats you have if they are indicative of how you usually play! 

    Well i dont like par 3's at all, but the yardage i still work hard on, and keep make them better, some darts and some within 15ft, all depend on conditions course etc. I checked my stat is says 14ft avg on approach well not that bad but i know its the long approaches i find hardest cause it seems wgt still loves to speed up or slow down the meterspeed on 6-5-4 and 3 iron R11, so ding is almost impossible to hit. VEM or manipulation? I'm not the only legend/tourlegend that get those runs on R11, just played an alt-match on kiawah back9, a tourlegend ahd 1. tee, got speedup on his 3iron, so went short on hole#14. He wrote that in gamechat, but i got excactly same meter, it speed up when go in the lightblue, stop the smooth run by speed up. Sometimes its same patch, just otherwise it slow down when go lightblue, so early hit is result! My stats overall on driving accuracy and GIR% is very similar the most of my rounds, some i do better and now and then a 100% in a 9.I dont think you offend me by write the way you do, its a combinated answer with a tip on what i need work on, but still i think puttgrids can be improved to show more correct than they do now! I'm not computerengineer and this isnt a #D-game but that shouldnt be a block for take a closer look on where they are way wrong on show of breaks.



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