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Quitters: Any plans for handling them?

Mon, Jul 2 2012 2:33 AM (8 replies)
  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 2:13 PM

    One reason for playing multiplayer scored rounds is that you get XP. If you do that and people quit after maybe an hours playing, it is easy to get annoyed. It is extremely rare that there is no dropouts and the majority of the games that I have played with 4 players ends the same: I finish them alone and get XP only for a single player round. It is also very common that a person leaving freeze the game so everyone have to quit.

    I would suggest something like this:

    1. If more than half the game is played as multi, XP is awarded as if it was multi
    2. If someone quits, they get a warning flag. A visible warning flag. To get rid of the warning they need to finish, say, 5 multi games
    3. If someone that has a warning quit again, then they are punished by removal of XP. Maybe -1000XP is reasonable.

    I think that would go a long way to fix the situation.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 2:19 PM

    Quitters have been complained about since the game began and nothing has ever been done or ever will be done. More players get kicked from a game than players quitting so it's impossible to punish players when you don't know the circumstances.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 2:28 PM

    "Impossible". Ok. Impossible. How about a rejoin period like in match games? Still impossible? Nothing is impossible!

  • Santantonio
    59 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 5:32 AM


    I would suggest something like this:

    1. If more than half the game is played as multi, XP is awarded as if it was multi
    2. If someone quits, they get a warning flag. A visible warning flag. To get rid of the warning they need to finish, say, 5 multi games
    3. If someone that has a warning quit again, then they are punished by removal of XP. Maybe -1000XP is reasonable.

    I think that would go a long way to fix the situation.


    I agree but I suggest to give the players a chance to get back in the game in a reasonable time, as it happens on match play game. Only after this, for those who have not returned, there should be a "punishment".


    The Saint






    1. Tightrope
      1,072 Posts
      Mon, Jun 18 2012 1:12 PM

      I agree but I suggest to give the players a chance to get back in the game in a reasonable time, as it happens on match play game. Only after this, for those who have not returned, there should be a "punishment".

      The Saint

      Yes, I do not understand why that is not an option already. I often play multi with friends, normal ranked rounds, talking on Skype. If someone drops out, it is very boring to finish the games all separated. The mechanism is there, they just need to enable it for all multi games.


    2. Tightrope
      1,072 Posts
      Mon, Jun 18 2012 1:21 PM for the risk of being penalized for technical troubles or similar - I have played 89 Alternate shot games, of those no more than 5 have ended due to someone dropping out. Sure, it happens that we are brought bad to the lobby, but they always come back. If they want to.

    3. Santantonio
      59 Posts
      Fri, Jun 22 2012 4:40 AM


    4. ffifer
      44 Posts
      Sat, Jun 23 2012 6:23 AM

      I’m going to give some of the players the benefit of doubt and say they just don’t know about all the options under the menu tab. So instead of showing what course you’re getting ready to play while waiting for the game to load, why not put a list of options under the "Menu" tab up for them to read,  and maybe even have it linked to a training video explaining them in detail. That way even the players that need to be led by the hand every step of the way will know how to properly exit a game. JMO.

    5. Tightrope
      1,072 Posts
      Mon, Jul 2 2012 2:33 AM

      I feel this thread deserves to be bumped until WGT leaves a response here.
