With all due respect, how did you ever make Legend with your score history and only being level 39? Just curious.
IHC, that is because at a certain time one, two years ago there was a (re-)tiering action. There are quite a few who hit Legend without ever being Tour Master etc.
Look for the time gap in his history. Between Aug. 2010 and Dec. 2010 he was pushed from Master to Legend and quit after 4 games - must have been impossible then, too.
Those poor guys have hit the wall. They have basic equipment & low levels, impossible to buy the G20s or R11s they need desperately.
Harry, there are some comrades of yours out there, I'm a friend of one who visits the forum frequently.
Also I know that there is a CC for low level Legends, the captain being active here, too.
I'm afraid that there is not much more help to get.
60 bucks might bring you to level 64 (level boost bars), daily play brings 27000 XPs bonus per month.
Level 83 is at 255.315 XPs, giving access to the best G20s. The coveted level 90 equals 486,988 XPs (R11).
Grind through it, enjoy the brilliant pictures, or call it a day.