Here's a thought and a way WGT could really
assist the community.
If somehow they could allow you to create
single play tournaments where you invite up to 250 players .... and restrict the tournament to those of players ... it would make running community
tournaments more fun and fair for everyone playing and 100 times easier
for the folks organizing them. No more reporting scores and posting scorecards ... that in itself would be worth it.
Much like setting up a CC tournament --- Imagine being able to create a
list of up to 250 WGT player ID's and inviting them to play in a tournament -
much like we create them for country clubs. I'm sure the large CC's
create single play tourney rounds for 250 players which are all tracked
by WGT.
I think you would see more and more tours (such as the one JimBean is putting together) and more
people playing. The person running the tourney could run them however
they want .. by country, average, whatever --- just make a list of who can participate... and
the tourney is restricted to that list.
Anyway .. just another thought.