I choose to play WGT because...................
1/ The HD Graphics rock.
2/ It's pretty close to the real game with regrards to mentally choosing your shot. Sometimes the result is baffling....but anyone playing real life golf will agree this happens a lot too.
3/ The WGT Community in general are a great bunch of people.
4/ I now watch far less online pron :)
You need to get spellchecker only jking, having a bit of a laugh
Looks like we or some of us are getting bored with the courses we have now...ahhh why?
If i'm still around here in 10 yrs time (not likely..but still angry with the, I can see then we will have another 10-20 course to play on...
Can you imagine what it would be like to look at the list and see 30 courses in front of, thinking which course today.... or even where are my friends... they are playing on one of these
Lets all be happy with what we have now and let Wgt work things out :)
I remember just over a couple years ago when I started... there was only a few courses, if that.... StA was only the front9... we were all hanging out for the full version to be