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idea to speed up multi-player

rated by 0 users
Sun, Apr 25 2010 3:33 PM (3 replies)
  • patricp
    52 Posts
    Sun, Apr 25 2010 12:39 PM

    I did not read all the posts, so not sure if this has been suggested.  Is there a way to change the multi-player game so that we see just the replays of people's shots. instead of waiting for them to get set up and then play?  A shot replay would take about 10 seconds, max, instead of the 90 that we currently are waiting.  When skill-grounds Utour actually worked, you would tee off, then before your next shot, you would see the tee-shots of your foursome, and ect, etc.


    Just an idea, not sure if it would take a massive overhaul to make it work.

  • borntobesting
    9,755 Posts
    Sun, Apr 25 2010 1:32 PM

    even if you only saw their replay you would have to wait for them to make their shot.

  • patricp
    52 Posts
    Sun, Apr 25 2010 3:32 PM


    • borntobesting:

      even if you only saw their replay you would have to wait for them to make their shot.

    true, but they would be making their shot while you are making yours.  So, instead of tee shots on a hole taking 6 minutes, they could be over in maybe 2.5?  

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sun, Apr 25 2010 3:33 PM


    even if you only saw their replay you would have to wait for them to make their shot.

    Hey BTBS... what I am thinking the OP is talking about is a hybrid between WGT and TWO..  in TWO, all players play simultaneously...  no waiting for anyone to take any shot, unless you're done and then you get to watch them try to get it in the hole.

    The OP, if I surmise correctly, would like to see simultaneous play, with replays during the hole of every other shot.