Minkywinkster: When they have advertised it differently on the "play now" screen I think it's pretty harsh
i messed up in a tournament last year due to this miss-advertisement, i think it was the nfk championship round or winter tour, where it was 2 different rounds, on the play now screen it showed a different course to what was actually played ( a picture of congressional but R>S>G loaded) and made me think i had entered wrong tournament and withdrew when it was the right tournament but the menu screen was wrong. No way was i allowed to re-enter the tournament.
But myself, just like most of us only pay attention to what the menu screen says, so if it says 21, then we presume it is 21and take what it says for granted, i bet no one really looks anywhere else in detail(maybe the tournament screens) And having been caught out by those dates in the past, its extremely frustrating but wgt put it down to our fault and tough luck on our part for not finding more info somewhere else (but it should really have said 18 - 20, NOT 21) so 50/50 who's at fault????