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Poll for Ready Go players

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 21 2012 6:05 PM (3 replies)
  • webrep315
    53 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 11:10 AM

    How many of you would play the following if RGs were available at tier levels for all courses, including a F9, B9 and Full 18 at 100 or 200 credits each? (totalling about 84 RGs per tier, per day)

    2-3 a day

    5-6 a day

    8-10 a day

    12 or more

  • webrep315
    53 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 11:10 AM

    My own answer is 12 or more by the way

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 3:08 PM

    I'd do the same as i do know. Keep playing them until my wife said "isn't it about time you stopped playing that bloody game"

    There's more than 12 RG's to play now so why do we need 84? 84 RG's would take a lifetime to fill up.


    Sorry you said tiered ready go's. My mistake.

    We have about 5 in the Legend tier at different entry fee's but then i guess all the RG's are legend tier as that's who normally wins. I agree their should be more for the lower tiers. Not quite 84 but 10 would be ok. Although i wish i started playing the RG's when i was a tour master. Just think about all that yardage advantage you have.

  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 6:05 PM

    I would play same as now, max. 2-3/day, just would have more variety to select the ones I like...

    Having said that, the problem would be that they fill up extremely slowly (would take weeks), which brings 2 issues:

    1. now you can see scores from previous days and have a clue what score you roughly need to have a net win, not to lose, or whatever milestone each person has... If it takes 2-3 weeks to fill up a RG and stats are available only for the last 7 days, for most courses it would be largely impossible to have any (at most 1 instance...)

    2. since there would be such a long delay to get prizes, people would need to start with a lot of credits in their account (or wait those few weeks) to pay for all the starting fees while potential prizes are in waiting...

    So for these reasons I think this suggestion is impractical.