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No British Open

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Sun, Jul 1 2012 3:22 PM (3 replies)
  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 3:42 PM

     The Opens are the ONLY fun touraments in my opinion.  You can create a tournament on an existing course, but its not even close to the same.  <----LAME

    Seems like WGT has twice the $$ and resources and has produced 1/2 of the excitement this year.  


    PS.  Thanks for the US Open at Olympic at least.  It was a lot of fun!!!

    57 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 5:44 PM

    i agree they should do the british open!

  • seanobrien
    296 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 2:55 PM

    Just a few thoughts on the "replacement" summer tourneys.


    Prizes for the top 3 just doesn't cut it.

    A lot of us avaerage legends can only strive for qualifications for the Opens.

    A hat is the limit of our achievements.

    If I see Summer tournaments with prizes for only the top 3, I am not going to play them.

    I think for these replacements, there should be the top 3 prizes, and a sizeable credit pot for other pacings down as far as 100th place.

    It you don't make it worth while for us average joe's, then we are not going to play.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 3:22 PM

    this is like having a World Tennis site and not having Wimbledon.

    they could have made the 4 replacement championship all single play with the cut after 2 rounds. they could have had championships for the 5 tiers this unlimited ##$$%&& is. they could have listened more to what we's all could've, should've might've been.

    nah...............scrub what folks want............we'll stick to the unlimited ball crunchers that generate too much $$$ for us. hell...we got MLB to fund too......gotta get that $$$ from somewhere eh?

    it sux but that's it folks. seems we're just being used to subsidise MLB.....either that or WGT have rubber ears and a severe lack of imagination. sometimes they can honestly be mistaken for having all three.

    same goes for them Woodstock Stereotypical Hippy Avs folks were asked to vote on lol.

    sorry to sound so sharp................but i think people deserve a bigger bang for their buck.

    i would also like to thank WGT for was great would have been better if WGT had harnessed the momentum gained from it in a better way though.

    i'm being critical yes..............but i'm trying to keep it constructive..........and i'm trying to keep my love for this game but i'm tired of being done up like a kipper.
