Hiya everyone hope everybodies having fun like i am on Wgt, great site though trying to find friends to play against i've tried adding friends by clicking on the friends button but haven't got any replies & can't seem to write to anyone to ask them to join my friends list, anyone who would like a match is welcome to contact me, i'm only on hack tier at the moment so i'm sure your whip my ass lol but that's what u get being a rookie lol.
The only thing i have a problem with the game is that you can't put Draw or Fade on the ball without miss hitting the stroke meter & there's no British courses except St Andrews Old Course front 9 which is great to play & had a few great practice rounds on. I have seen in the news section & forums that there adding the back nine which i'm looking forward to but it would be great to see more UK courses here like Wentworth, Glen Eagles, The Belfry & The K Club plus. Anyway hope to hear from you & happy hacking kind regards Leigh.