Has anyone else noticed that when you dig out of a deep rough lie, especially green-side, that sometimes the divot flops out a bit, and sometimes it is visible on the next shot ans REALLY starts to slow the graphics down?
I've noticed this several times and never thought to ask, but I'd be interested to see if anyone else experiences the same thing.
I checked it out on BP #1 green.
Watched my FireFox real time usage with no divots, 1 divot, and 4 divots on the screen.
I watched the real time usage with the putting grid displayed like it would be lining up a putt, and with the putting grid off like it would be stroking a putt.
1 divot on the screen, with the grid on, showed a 15 to 45% increase in CPU usage vs. no divot . Much less affect with the grid off, 0 to 35%
4 divots on the screen, with the grid on, showed a 52 to 57% increase in CPU usage vs no divot. Much less affect with the grid off 0 to 35% again.
A 35% increase in CPU time between divots present and no divots present only equates to an actual 10% increase in my total CPU time.
So yes, a divot on the screen will slow your computer down while lining up a putt, but I don't see it having much of a chance of interfering with the meter. The 10% increase in total CPU time when divots present and grid is off only happens occasionally, maybe once every 8 or 10 seconds.