MBaggese:we see numerous suggestions in this area...some are good, some are are many of my responses;)
Dont mean to play Devils Advocate here, but some of these suggestions that pop up are equally as 'lame'.
WTF? a thread just for WGT to ask the members their opinion via a 'poll' on possible improvements??
"Small steps first :)" ????
Will this poll be sorted into demographics so the results can be compared as per age? Tier? Length of membership? Credits bought?
WGT will upgrade/ improve/ adjust whatever the hell they want. Some of it might weigh on demand, most of it wont.
WGT doesnt need a new forum. They need to run this one properly.
If threads were kept on topic, duplicates merged with originals, adequate moderation with relevance to Sub forum topics in mind the forums here wouldnt be such a mess in the first place.
As it is we see bugs posted in he Introductions Forum, we see Product suggestions in the WGT Beta forum, we see complaints in the Announcements forum.
Within each of the sub forums there are thousands of posts which are completely off topic to the thread and these posts are replied to and the thread loses its original intent anyway.
How many threads do we need complaining about the Surveys?
How many threads needed to whine and moan about the swing meter?
1. each. thats it. & in its relevant sub forum
People are creating topics that have been bounced around thousands of times.
Members continually berating the OP for not using the search function to see their answers have already been documented. Or te same members/ participant over and over providing he same info regarding Tier progression or Putting tips or why there isnt a damn putting green.
When was the last time the FAQ's were updated?
Will the search function ever return relevant and recent results?
(Search for your username, look a the results)
A step has been made in the right direction with the emergence of more participation from WGT_people, But i suspect their options are as limited as CC owners options.
There is no regiment to these WGT_People, they are all over the forums commenting on all the topics with no authority of none.
Section moderators specific to a Forum Section hold far more credence than a bunch of dudes with WGT in front of their names with ambiguous "positive" replies to inane irrelevant topics.
We really don't want to be told to "keep it classy",.. MAKE IT CLASSY.
The Upcoming Product Releases post is so vague and out of date, this should be updated after every WGT update. As it is the same post is simply updated by changing the date!
-New Pro Shop Items
-Additional features and improvements based on player feedback
what pro shop items - specifically?
what improvements - specifically?
Why bother with that post if it is so ambiguous anyway? Who does it actually appease?
We got thrown a bone with a lame ass Club Messaging system that is neither functional nor thought out - looks like a tacked on after thought
- we got given this along with the CC multi round ability to make it look like CC were given more options.
- A couple more WGT revenue gaining items that also kept a few quiet with the cloak of "we are listening to you"
Give us acknowledgement of members ideas that will be included in the future, so we don't see multiple requests for the same feature repeated.
"Good idea we will add it to the list of good ideas"- WHAT LIST???
Yet another standard 'pat' answer that holds absolutely no real conviction.
A locked thread for what every WGT update included is needed with links and specifics.
The whole forum needs to be thinned down to relevant sub forums so as to keep threads On Topic.
Active section moderators with the powers to bounce/ ban idiots, with the ability to merge or lock threads.
The tyre that this existing forum is, is worn out and bald.
It needs a new tyre, not new air.
Here's the best run forum I have ever seen;
predominantly IT/ Telco based but with Lifestyle sections
- no polls allowed here because there is no control of the demographic that would answer hence no relevance in the result.
- excellence in prolific moderation and keeping it all OT
- linking works, formatting works 100%
- Time stamped as to the users profile location too!
Geez WGT, be careful, you gave us an metre the other day, now we are looking for the Kilometre.
Can o worms?
.. flame on